The Start of a Resolution
I do not believe in New Years resolutions. I am putting that out there now because I do not know a singular person that actually does. I have also never seen a New Years resolution followed through with. I have seen resolutions that have happened and been more than successful, but the stress and stigma around the traditional American New Years is what gets me. So now on this day, I am heading home from my first ever quarter of college and I want to start something new. I attend Savannah College of Art and Design, which is known for being global and very successful, but the fact of the matter is it felt like such a cage. I am a writer and I love writing but the only time I ever got to write was when I was in a panic and had to write to not freak out. I never had time to go to the park or on random walks to keep a calm mindset, and I barely ever did yoga which I used to do four times a week. I used to consume my time with working around four to five days a week, but college was even more exhausting than that. See, when I did have free time, it was used to sleep and take a nap; a nap not being the traditional thirty minute rest though since it ended up being the two hours in between class. My art became so sloppy by the end of the quarter that I even turned in a turtle that was orange and looked like it had been scribbled by a second grader. This was then critiqued by the whole class and I have not seen it since. I do not want to.
I have a numerous amount of prompts that I would love to write, but where is the time? Well for those that do not know, at SCAD the winter break is around seven weeks. There is the time. I will be working. I will be working at eight hour job but also working with what I love. I thought writing was fluent amongst everyone. I thought everyone was born with the wave of thoughts that come to them all at once. It was not until I went to college that I found out, this is not the case. For some it is the ability to understand coding or animate everything they imagine. Everything takes practice of course, but for some, practice does not result in knowing much more than the basics. I am not good with technology. I know the basics of that. I am not sure that I will ever know more than that because no matter how hard I try, I cannot understand any part of it. Making a website is one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. That is not a lie.
I want this to be somewhere that I can connect and start new projects. That is what I really want to do; projects upon projects. I am so interested in every aspect of life that I want to learn about all of it. Over the next month, I am to make a website, learn the basics of graphic editing, and buy a microphone. What is this microphone for you ask? Well wait and see. It has been a goal of mine for quite some time and I am ecstatic that it will be coming true. I know how much work it will take and I am unsure of the timing, but I know it will work. Scheduling is key and that is what I plan on doing. Work, learn, apply. That is the key to my success right now and I will not be letting it go. I look forward to the future. That is something I have not said in a long time and I am glad I can say now. That is my resolution.